Winter skin care the most critical is the skin water! can supply water skin types.
Even if the same moisturizing skin care products, their composition also differ, therefore, its resistance to moisture evaporation of moisture effect also in different environment produce different effects. Understanding the various characteristics of the product, then you can easily pick out their own skin moisturizing products.
To prevent water evaporation of oil moisturizing product advantage: this kind of moisturizing products best is petrolatum, commonly known as petroleum jelly.Balenciaga handbags. Petrolatum is not skin absorption, skin moisture barrier on formation, so that the skin is not easy to evaporate the moisture loss, also makes the skin from outside intrusion. Because of its very insoluble in water, can long attached to the skin and therefore has good moisturizing effect. In addition to mineral grease, high viscosity oil wax, triacylglycerols, and various ester oils. Contains moisturizing agent resistance evaporation, basic skin care products contain these ingredients suitable for dry skin at night using nutrition cream.
Weaknesses: too oily, only suitable for very dry skin or in extremely dry winter use, skin moisturizing function subject to certain restrictions.
Absorb moisture-absorbing moisture from skin care products
Advantage: this kind of moisturizing products the most typical is polyols, use the oldest is the Glycerin, sorbitol, propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, etc. These substances have to draw water from the surrounding environment, in conditions of high relative humidity, moisture to the skin very well.
Disadvantages: this class moisturizing products at very low relative humidity, cold, dry, windy weather, no good not only for the skin, it will absorb moisture from the skin layer, so that the skin is dry, normal function of the skin effect. Therefore only suitable for high in relative humidity in the summer, late spring and early autumn, as well as use in the South of the season.
Combination of moisture of the skin moisture moisturizing facial mask, moisture, water, moisture cream, etc.
Advantage: this kind of skin moisturizing products are oil-soluble, nor is solubility, belonging to the hydrophilic, and water soluble substances. It will form a network structure, free free water in its network, free water into bound water evaporation loss, easily reached moisturizing effect.LV handabgs. It will not be from the air or the surrounding environment to draw moisture, does not clog pores, hydrophilic and not greasy, use very refreshing, this is a more advanced moisturizing ingredients, suitable for all types of skin, all kinds of weather, daytime, evenings can use moisturizing products.
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